Aircraft Incidents & Accidents Investigation and Research Techniques

A ten week course on Aircraft Incidents and Accidents investigation for Pilots and AMTs

Captain Antonio Carlos Arantes De Biasi

Aircraft accidents and incidents investigation is not a new procedure. Its roots came from the time the Wright brothers initiated their pioneering flights. They had a system to record data comprising their engine RPM, flight time and traveled distance utilizing a rudimentary contraption that is considered the great grandfather of the actual “black box” or Flight Data Recorder. They were able to post flight analyze specific segments of their flights and further adjust the subsequent ones to suit their research needs. Those were the first steps of what nowadays is called the sciences of aviation incidents and accidents investigation.

There are several reasons why people investigate aircraft incidents. These include:

Corrective actions to prevent future similar incidents or accidents

In our course of study we will pursue only the first of the above mentioned reasons.
The main objective of this lecture is to briefly teach you how and why an incident or accident investigation result is a powerful tool to enhance safety and promote new procedures and actions that would contribute to make aviation safer . Our main goal would be to train and exercise your minds to be kept always open to small details that might in principle seem trivial but in the end could be the culprit of a tragedy. As an AMT you should know that the simple event of applying a different than predicted torque to a bolt might lead to a tragedy of unknown proportions.

As a rule of thumb every aircraft incident or accident investigation should pursue the answers for the following questions:

What happened?
Why the incident or accident happened?
What needs to be done to prevent this accident from occurring in the future?

What is an aircraft accident?
An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which:

a person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of direct contact with the aircraft or its (jet) blast.
the aircraft sustains substantial damage or is missing or completely inaccessible.

There are several organizations dedicated to investigate an aircraft incident or accident, some government agencies other public and even private ones. Examples:

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
This is an independent board charged with investigating all civil and certain public use aircraft in the United States. In the United States, the NTSB may delegate certain investigations to the FAA for investigation. There are similar independent boards or groups in Canada, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, and several other countries.

 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
The FAA is the US government agency responsible for aviation safety in the United States, not investigation. Their principle areas of concern are violations of Federal Air Regulations (FARs) and deficiencies in FAA systems or procedures. The FAA may be called upon as a party to the investigation or may be handed the investigation entirely by the NTSB.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
ICAO is an organization that sets the ground rules for member nations involved in an aircraft accident involv- ing another member nation. The rules are defined by ICAO Annex 13.

The Military
The military has complete jurisdiction over accidents occurring on military installations. Off the military installation, jurisdiction reverts to the local law enforce- ment structure unless the military can declare the accident scene a national security area.

There are other organizations that also might be involved in an investigation such as:

Aircraft Owner / Operator
Insurance companies

There are two major aspects of an aircraft incident or accident that need to be taken into account:


We will base our study taking into account those two assumptions.


When the occurrence site is available the first step of the investigation would commence there. The NTSB has a set of procedures and plans for this situation that will be used as a guide to our own investigative procedures. They have a full team of investigators consisting of air traffic controllers, operations, pilots, meteorology, human performance and behaviour, structures, systems, powerplants, maintenance, records, survival factors, aircraft performance, Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) and Flight Data Recorders (FDR) specialists and metallurgy.
It’s not our goal to discuss those procedures or plans; however, we will briefly summarize them and also the tools, equipment and resources which are available for the field investigator. Take into account that the following list summarizes the NTSB recommended hardware for an onsite field trip.

Investigation Equipment
• Bring everything you need: do not depend on someone else to bring the equipment for you.
• Be prepared to carry whatever you bring: do not depend on anyone else to carry it for you.
Also keep in mind - and be prepared - for the environment at the accident site (i.e. cold, wet, etc.).

Personal Survival Items
An investigator must ensure their own safety first - he or she will not be of much use if they are not prepared. Some items include:
• Appropriate severe weather clothing including sturdy boots
• Gloves (heavy - the wreckage is sharp) and latex gloves
• Sun protection / insect repellant
• Small first aid kit
• Signaling device
• Ear protection
• Food and water.

Diagramming and Plotting Equipment
Diagrams of the accident scene are usually helpful, so be sure to carry the following items:
• Pad of ruled paper
• Navigation plotter w/ protractor
• Measuring tape / ruler
• Compass
• Flight Calculator / E6-B
• Notebooks, pencils, pens, etc
• Topographical Map.

Witness Interviewing Equipment
• Tape or Digital Recorders, batteries
• Statement forms

Evidence Collection Equipment
• Sterile containers
• Magnifying glass
• Small tape measure
• Flashlight
• Mirror
• Tags, labels, markers
• Plastic bags and sealing tape.

Photographic Equipment
• 35mm SLR camera
• Electronic flash
• Small tripod
• Ruler or measuring tape - for size reference
• Photo log (notebook)
• Spare batteries.

Report Writing and Administrative Equipment
• Accident report forms
• File folders and labels
• Paper
• Stapler / paper clips
• Laptop or notebook computer
• Printer.

Technical Data
• Parts Catalog or illustrated parts breakdown
• Flight manual
• Color photographs of undamaged aircraft
• Handbook of common aircraft hardware
• Investigation manual and reference.

Other Personal Items
• Company / agency identification
• Expense record
• Money - credit cards, checks, cash
• Passport
• Immunization records (if required)
• Driver’s license.

Remember that usually either the NTSB or other authority is taking care of the investigation and your presence is regarded as a “company’s authorized observer”. Bearing that in your mind your procedures shall be mostly observational and for that I will also summarize some rules regarding your personal safety and conduct.

Personal Safety
As previously mentioned, be sure to bring the proper clothing and protection for the environment you will be working in - be prepared for anything. It is possible that the accident environment will be full of biohazards (i.e. human remains), so as an investigator you will want to minimize your exposure to these elements.

Bloodborne Pathogens and other Biohazards
Before entering the scene, the NTSB mandates that all persons be made aware of bloodborne pathogens and how to handle wreckage in this type of environment. Usually, this instruction is in the form of a class presentation. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a must when working in an accident environment. Obviously, be careful when handling wreckage; use thick gloves when handling pieces of the aircraft and constantly be vigilant of anything that might pose the risk of causing injury. Investigators might also be required to wear biohazard suits. More information concerning working with bloodborne pathogens can be found by consulting OSHA 1910.1030.

Establish Safety Rules
Review to personnel onsite some of the dangers associated with aircraft accidents. These include:
• Chemical hazards
• Pressure vessels
• Mechanical hazards
• Pyrotechnic hazards
• Hygiene hazards - including bloodborne pathogens and human remains
• Miscellaneous hazards - radioactivity, fumes, vapors, etc.

Conduct an initial walk through of the wreckage
This provides a perspective on the accident and facilitates further discussion on it.

Take initial photographs (details later)

Observe collected perishable evidence such as:
• Fuel samples
• Oil / hydraulic fluid samples
• Loose papers, maps, and charts
• Evidence of icing
• Runway condition (if the case)
• Switch positions
• Control surface and trim tab positions
• FDRs and CVRs
• Ground scars
• Other - anything that is likely to be moved or destroyed before it can be investigated.

Inventory the wreckage
This allows the investigator to notice any missing parts or anything that should not be there

Begin a wreckage diagram
Helps to give an overall picture of the accident site

Wreckage Diagramming
Typical items in an accident diagram include:

• Location references (roads, buildings, runways, etc.)
• Direction and scale reference
• Elevations / contours (depending on the level of detail)
• Impact heading / scars
• Location of human remains
• Location of major aircraft parts
• Burn areas
• Damage to buildings, structures, trees, etc.
• Location of eye witnesses

Diagramming methods

Grid systems
This is just what it states - a grid is transposed onto an aerial view of the wreckage so that each piece of the wreckage falls within a certain square. This helps iden- tify wreckage areas in harsh terrains or vegetation.

Polar system
In this system, the center of the wreckage site serves as a reference point. From this point, major pieces of the wreckage are plotted in relation to there direction and distance form the central wreckage point.

Single Point System
This system is similar to the polar system, except the central point does not necessarily have to be the center of the wreckage.

Straight Line System
• This one of the more common and simpler forms of diagramming available
• Select a starting point (usually the first impact point), and make a straight line marking off every 50 feet (20 meters).
• After this, plot the major components of the aircraft or anything else of important information relevant to the straight line (see figure 1)

figure 1


The following equipment may assist with the creation of a wreckage distribution diagram:

Linear measuring equipment: 100 foot (minimum) tape measure (cloth type is preferable)
Vertical angle measuring equipment: air navigation plotter
Horizontal angle measuring equipment: magnetic compass
Plotting equipment: grid (graph) paper.

Wreckage Inventory

A common phrase used by investigators to assure that all major aircraft sections are accounted for is “TESTED”, which means:

T: Tips
E: Engines
S: Surfaces
T: Tail
E: External Devices
D: Doors


Evidently the authority responsible for holding the investigation will be taking pictures; however, that will not prevent you from taking too.

What pictures should I take?
1. The cardinal rule - shoot the wreckage in reference to the eight points of the compass.
2. Work in from the perimeter - get the overall view first and then take any close-ups
3. Take pictures of evidence first - the nice-to know stuff can wait
4. Take pictures of the overall wreckages (the pictures should tell a story)
5. Take pictures of the surrounding terrain, objects
6. Ground scars, propeller marks
7. Major aircraft structures (nose, wings, tail, fuselage, gear, etc.)
8. Cockpit / cabin / instrument panel
9. Evident damage
10. Separated parts
11. Fire evidence (i.e. soot)

Take as many pictures as possible; memory cards are cheap and the subject is perishable.
When taking pictures, include a form of label next to the object you are shooting. It may be difficult identifying certain parts in the photograph when reviewing the photos at a later time.

Fire Investigation

Fire is a collective noun that depicts an oxidation reaction producing heat and light. There are several types of fire.

Diffusion Flame / Open Flame
A rapid oxidation reaction with the production of heat and light. A gas flame or a candle is termed an open flame – so is the burning of residual fuel following the initial “fire ball” during an aircraft impact.

Subsonic gaseous combustion resulting in intense heat and light and (possibly) a low-level shock wave. Most aircraft “fire balls” are technically deflagration.

A supersonic combustion process occurring in a confined or open space characterized by a shock wave preceding the flame front.

Detonation within a confined space resulting in rapid build-up of pressure and rupture of the containing vessel. Explosions may be further categorized as mechanical or chemical. A mechanical explosion involves the rupture of the confining vessel due to a combination of internal overpressure and loss of vessel integrity. A chemical explosion involves a chemical reaction resulting in catastrophic overpressure and subsequent vessel rupture.

Auto-Ignition Temperature
It is the temperature at which a material will ignite on its own without outside source of ignition.

Flammability Limits
These are generally listed as the upper and lower flammability or explosive limits. These describe the highest and lowest concentration of a fuel / air by volume percent which will sustain combustion. In other words, a fuel air mixture below the lower limit is too lean to burn whilst a mixture a mixture above the upper limit is too rich to burn. In considering in-flight fires, the upper and lower limits may be useful as they vary with temperature and altitude. Thus, for an in-flight fire to occur, the aircraft must be operating in a temperature / altitude regime where a combustible fuel-air mixture can exist.

This term is used to describe the situation where an area or its contents is heated above its auto-ignition temperature, but does not ignite due to shortage of oxygen. When the area is ventilated (oxygen added) the area and its contents ignite simultaneously, sometimes with explosive force.

This is the lowest temperature at which a material will produce a flammable vapor. It is a measure of the volatility of the material.

What is a fire?
Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. Slower oxidative processes like rusting or digestion are not included by this definition. The flame is the visible portion of the fire and consists of glowing hot gases. If hot enough, the gases may become ionized to produce plasma. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.

Elements of a fire
Combustible Material (fuel)
Oxidizer (Usually ordinary air – 20% Oxygen – is sufficient)
Ignition: in order for a fire to ignite, the ignition source must first raise the temperature of the combustible material (or vapors) in its immediate vicinity
to the ignition temperature of the material.
Heat or energy to sustain the reaction.

Fire Classes (American Standards)
Class A fire: Ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, carton, textile, and PVC;
Class B fire: Flammable liquid or gaseous fuels such benzene, gasoline, oil, butane, propane, and natural gas;
Class C fire: Involving energized electrical equipment, often caused by short circuits or overheated electrical cables;
Class D fire: Combustible metals, such as iron, aluminum, sodium, and magnesium;
Class K fire: Containing a fat element, such as cooking oil.

Significance of Fire
Pre-impact fires in an aircraft are rare; however, when they occur, the results are often catastrophic. Most of the cases they are the cause of the accident.

Post-impact fires are much more common. From an investigation standpoint, they are resultant from the original accident sequence. Post-impact fires are the main threat to accident survivability.

Questions regarding fire scenarios in aviation
• Where and how did the fire originate
• Where did the fire go (spread)?
• What did the fire involve?
• What was the fire environment?
• What were the results of the fire?

Variables effecting fires
• Time of exposure to the fire
• Temperature of the fire
• Behavior of the flames
• Burning characteristics of aircraft materials
• Thickness of aircraft materials
• Containment – was there any?
• Suppression activities (fire extinguishing agents,
ARFF, etc.)

List of common aviation sources of fuel contributing to aircraft fires:
• Aircraft fuel
• Oil
• Hydraulic fluids
• Battery gases
• Cargo
• Waste material

List of common aviation sources of ignitions contributing to aircraft fires:
• hot engine section parts
• engine exhaust
• electrical arc
• overhead equipment
• bleed air system
• static discharge
• lightning
• hot brakes / wheels
• friction sparks
• aircraft heaters
• In flight galleys
• Ovens / hot-cups
• Smoking materials

In flight fire versus Post-impact fire
There are two types of evidence that indicate if a fire originated in flight or post-flight:
1-    Indirect evidence – these are just clues that aid in indicating if there might have been an in flight fire:
extinguishing system actuated
oxygen masks dropped
deactivated electrical circuits

2-    Direct evidence
In flight fire effects: if a fire occurs in flight and is contained by the airframe, it will be indistinguishable from a ground or a post-impact fire unless there is some internal forced ventilation system that changes the characteristics of the fire. Most in flight fires, though, eventually burn through the structure and are exposed to the slipstream. This adds oxygen to the fire which substantially raises its temperature thus melting materials that would not normally burn in a ground fire.

Ground fires usually reach temperatures of 2000ºF whilst in flight fires reach temperatures around 3000ºF. Another interesting fact is the different discoloration of various materials after a fire. With this knowledge you may determine how hot a fire actually was. See figure 2.

figure 2

Airframe Investigation

a-Structural failures
b-Aircraft Systems failures
c-Power Plant failures
d-Instruments failures

a-Structural failures

The part failed due to more stress placed on it than it was designed to withstand.
• Pilot induced: aerobatics, over reaction to turbulence, improper recovery techniques, any other operation outside of the aircraft’s operating envelope
• Weather induced overstress: excessive gust loading(turbulence), wind shear
• Wake turbulence induced overstress: downwash, wingtip vortices.

-Overloading failures
The following failures are often associated with an overstress type of failure
• Ductile material: the most obvious feature of tension fracture in ductile material is the gross plastic deformation in the area surrounding the fracture.
The more ductile the material, the more dramatic will be the necking down of the material on either side of the fracture.
• Brittle material: brittle tension load failures tend to have their fracture surface oriented 90 degrees to the tension load. There is little if any plastic deformation

-Under stress
The part should not have failed.
• Faulty manufacture: the part did not meet the design specifications.
• Faulty repair / modification
• Reduction of load bearing capacity: over time, metal parts may corrode or develop fatigue cracks. The result of either of these is that the part can no longer sustain the specified load.
The following issues are common to aircraft accidents involving the under-stress of certain parts
• Fatigue cracking
• Corrosion
• Wear
• Creep (the permanent elongation of a metal part due to combination of stress and high temperature)

-Composites failures
• A composite is any non-homogenous material
• the composite most commonly found in structural applications on aircraft is called carbon fiber reinforced plastic. This may be found alone or sandwiched around a metallic or non-metallic honeycomb structure.
• Composites do not develop fatigue cracks; they develop delaminations, which can be hard to find.
• When they fail, they do not fail in a ductile or brittle
manner; they delaminate.

b-Aircraft Systems failures

Common factors to all systems
• Supply: involves a source of energy or fluid that needs to be moved somewhere else (fluid, fuel, etc.)
• Power: something that moves the supply through the system (i.e. pump)
• Control: most systems can be controlled, to some extent, by the cockpit; the control often consists of an input signal identifying what is desired and a feedback signal identifying what happened.
• Protection: most aircraft systems incorporate protection devices to prevent the system from destroying itself (i.e. pressure regulators, fuses, circuit breakers, etc.)
• Distribution: this provides a means for the systems medium (i.e. fuel) to be distributed
• Application: the purpose of the system.

Component Examinations
The following methods are commonly used when examining aircraft systems components:
• Photograph it – get pictures of what the part looked like before examining it
• X-ray it – before taking the component apart, consider an x-ray; this is non-destructive and will provide a means of examining items that normally would not be available to inspect even if taken apart
• Test the part – if possible, add pressure or electricity to see if the part actually works
• Tear-down analysis – open the part (take apart) for further examination
• Documentation – write down what has been done to the part as well as any conclusions about that part.

Specific Systems

Mechanical systems
These usually are associated with pilot controls that are tied to stick, column, or pedal movements that often involve mechanical items such as cables, pulleys, rods, etc.

Cable Systems
Cables are a popular method of transferring mechanical force somewhere else. They are usually tied into flight control systems and propulsion control systems.

Hydraulic Systems
Hydraulic systems use fluids that enable the function of:
• Flaps
• Landing gear on larger aircraft
• Flight controls on heavier aircraft
• Brakes
• Other.

Pneumatic Systems
Pneumatic systems usually use a form of compressed gas (or air) to power systems such as:
• aircraft pressurization
• air conditioning systems.

Fuel Systems
When looking at fuel systems, consider the following parts for examination:
• Fuel vent systems
• Fuel return lines
• Fuel pumps
• Fuel system contaminants
• Fuel system filters and heaters.

Electrical System
These systems tend to be slightly more complicated. Areas to look at might include:
• circuit breakers
• emergency power sources
• electrical wiring.

Combination systems
Several common combination systems found on aircraft include:
• electromechanical systems
• hydromechanical systems
• pneumomechanical systems.

Protection Systems
Common protection systems include:
• Fire protection
• Ice protection
• Anti-skid systems
• Other such as Warning Systems

c-Power Plant failures

Reciprocating Engines

Reciprocating Engines

Compared to turbine engines, reciprocating engines are quite difficult to investigate. First, they always show evidence of rotationas that is their normal wear pattern. Second, there is nothing on the reciprocating engines that consistently captures
evidence of what was happening at impact. That is why so much attention is paid to the propeller. It provides at least an indication of what was going on. We will discuss
propellers in the next section.

Basic Steps
Step one in a reciprocating engine investigation is to assemble everything that is known so far about the accident. This includes witness statements, radio transmissions and the basic circumstances of the accidents. Second,
determine what you really need to know about the engine:
• Was it completely stopped?
• Was it turning at something less than full power?
• Was it turning at something close to full power?

Complete Engine Failure or In flight Shutdown
If the propeller was feathered, the engine was not rotating at impact and the feathering occurred at some point prior to impact. The pilot either deliberately shutdown
the engine and feathered the propeller due to some cockpit indication or the engine failed and the propeller feathered itself because an auto-feather circuit was installed
and armed. If the engine merely failed (not deliberately shut down), then we are not likely to find much evidence of the cause in the cockpit. In these situations, a large percentage of engine failures are related to fuel; or lack of it. We should start with a routine check of the fuel system:
• Was there fuel on board?
• Was the fuel the correct type?
• Was the fuel free of contaminants?
• Could the fuel get to the engine?
• Did the fuel actually get to the engine?
• Was the engine getting air?
• Was the engine getting ignition?

Internal Engine Failure
If the inspection above fails to reveal a problem, the next possibility is massive internal damage to the engine that just made it quit running. If possible, you might try turning the engine over by hand. The reciprocating engine is a rugged piece of machinery and it frequently survives an impact and can still be rotated. If it turns without any weird noises, there is probably no internal damage
serious enough to keep it from running..

Engine Did Not Fail, But Was Not Producing Full Power
There might be several reasons for power loss.
• Induction system ice.
• Induction system failure.
• Spark plug failure.
• Cylinder failure.
• Lubrication system failure.
• Timing failure.
• Turbocharger failure.

Now What?
Still a mystery? OK, stand back and take an overall look at the engine. Do you see any signs of obvious mechanical damage? Do you see any signs of a fire that seem to emanate from a point? A cracked fuel pump housing, for example, might not be detectable in the field, but the fire pattern resulting from it might be obvious
if you back up a little bit.

Propellers are common to both reciprocating engines and turbine engines (turboprops). An examination of the damage to the propeller can sometimes be very useful in determining what the engine was doing at the time of impact.

Evidence of rotation
You should be able to examine a propeller and determine
whether it was rotating or not at impact. Some evidence of rotation:
• Blades bent opposite the direction of rotation.
• Chord wise scratches on the front side of the blades.
• Similar curling or bending at the tips of all blades.
• Dings and dents to the leading edge of the blades.
• Torsional damage to the prop shaft or attachment fittings.


Field Investigation Limitations
If the engine needs to be disassembled as part of the investigation, it is almost always best to take the engine to an engine facility where there are hoists, mounting stands, tools and good lighting. Taking a turbine engine apart in the field just isn’t practical. There are, however, some basic techniques that can be used by the field investigator. While these won’t always provide the final answer, they may give the investigator a pretty good idea of whether the engine contributed significantly to the accident. Field examination of a turbine engine follows a fairly standard protocol:
• Identify and account for all the major components
of the engine.
• Locate and recover any engine-installed recording
• Check the external appearance of the engine. Look
for gross evidence of mechanical failure or over temperature.
• Obtain fluid samples, particularly the engine oil.
• Examine the fuel and oil filters.
• Examine the chip detectors if installed. Preserve any chips or “fuzz” for analysis along with the detectors themselves.
• If possible, use a borescope to examine the engine internally.
• Examine the engine mechanisms such as IGVs, variable stators, fuel controls, etc. for evidence of power output.
• Examine the turbine section for evidence of over temperature operation.
• Examine the accessory drive train for condition and continuity.
• Examine the accessories for condition and operation.

Common Turbine Engine Problems
• Foreign object damage
• Volcanic ash ingestion
• Compressor stall
• Accessory failure
• Thrust reverser failure
• Bearing failure.

d-Instruments failures

It is possible to derive a lot of useful information from the cockpit of crashed aircraft, but there are two general problems with cockpit instrument examination. First, the instruments usually indicate the situation at the time of impact, but investigators need to know what happened prior to impact. Secondly, instruments are becoming highly complex making investigations more complicated.
When examining instruments, treat them as perishable evidence. Any instrument capture, readings, and switch positions may have changed during / after impact.

Methods of investigating
•  Visual presentation – what do the instruments indicate upon a visual inspection
•  Microscopic investigation – this is exactly what it states – a microscopic examination of the part.
•  Internal examination – this usually involves opening up an instrument and examining the internal components such as gears
•  Electrical synchro readout status.

Pitot / Static system
The following instruments run off of the pitot / static system:
• Airspeed indicator
• Altimeter
• Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
• Flight Management Computers

Other Instruments
The following instruments can give important information
concerning the situation of the accident aircraft
• attitude indicator
• angle of attack
• navigation / communication instruments
• engine instruments
• clocks
• digital instruments

Light Bulbs
Determining whether or not a light bulb was illuminated (or even functioning) may provide important information to the investigator. It will give the investigator a chance to see what was actually occurring form the pilots perspective – i.e. was the pilot reacting to a malfunctioning light or did a warning light burn out.


When the availability of the accident site is either limited or not an option or even if it was predictably modified by nature’s forces, such as the surface of the water in the middle of an ocean (or any water extension), rain, wind, storm, a sand storm, tornado or hurricane, etc. We will need to rely on other sources of information in order to achieve the desired results during the process of researching the reasons and factors that might have contributed or mitigated the incident or accident. Those sources of information will also include human related, historic, logistic, data base and also previously recorded factors regarding the aircraft and its operation. Weather, special circumstances, personal, public and corporation related information may also contain key or contributing factors to the occurrence. Flight Data Recorders (FDRs) and Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVRs) are also invaluable source of information.
Here is a summary of information sources that might be pursued when we face a situation where the site of the occurrence is not available:



Flight Data Recorders (FDRs) and Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVRs) are extremely helpful means in determining the probable cause or causes of an aircraft incident or accident. The FDR contain relevant information regarding the status of various aircraft systems as well as performance, attitude, altitude, airspeed, temperature, three axis acceleration ratios and several sub components operational conditions. Federal Aviation Regulations deals with general, commuter, corporate and airline operational requirements for the use of those equipments. Essentially, a CVR is required on general aviation aircraft that have 10 seats or more and on commuter, corporate that have 6 or more seats and require two pilots to operate. FDRs are required on public,  corporate and on-demand operated aircraft. Flight Data Recorders allow a considerably great number of flight parameters (62, in fact) to be recorded aiding invaluable source of data in the reconstruction of a flight. That data may be used in a flight simulator to accurately recreate similar conditions that the aircraft experienced before an incident or accident. The data can also be used to create an animated incident / accident simulation to aid the investigators in piecing together the elements, contributing and mitigating factors of the occurrence.

Examples of parameters recorded by the FDR:
• Time
• Altitude
• Airspeed
• Heading
• Acceleration (vertical and lateral)
• Pitch attitude
• Roll attitude
• Radio transmission keying
• Thrust / power on each engine
• Flaps and flaps lever or cockpit control positions
Nowadays all the recordings are digital.
The CVRs on the other hand have a cockpit area microphone (CAM) usually mounted on the overhead panel between the pilots. This is meant to record cockpit conversation not otherwise recorded through the radio or interphone circuits. The CVR usually has a separate channel for each flight deck crewmember and records everything that goes through those audio circuits. It may also have a channel for the cabin public address (PA) system. The recording is a continuous 30 minute loop tape which automatically erases and records over itself. At no time is there more than 30 minutes of recording available which means that events occurring before landing (or crash) are not recorded.


Aircraft records provide the investigators a wide collection of information that contributes to the investigative process. Taking into account factors such as described below may help the investigator notice a particular event or even incident that might have contributed to the occurrence.

Operational records
Maintenance records

Operational records are helpful whilst tracing a historic chain of events with the aircraft such as its flights, destinations, type of operations, average duration of its operations and finally its specific equipment and additions that might eventually altered its standard lay-out.

Maintenance records show the “life” of the specific aircraft, its flying time, eventual system failures and consequent repairs, pre programmed inspections, life expectancy of its engines and various components, parts replacements due to wear or maintenance requirements. This is the crucial part for an AMT student as it shows how important a precise and efficient and effective maintenance work is regarding an aircraft’s safe and uneventful operation.


Those comprise records and reports like the Corporate Event Reporting Systems (CERS) which provides a wide variety of operational events concerning operations within a particular company. Searches can be categorized by a wide variety of factors including event type, aircraft type, a specific aircraft, etc.
Other useful corporation record are those from the Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA). It takes data broadcasted directly from an aircraft (via discrete signal) and stores that information to a particular computer database. It provides information commonly recorded onto FDRs. This allows personnel within the organization to notice any trends that are occurring within the organization (i.e. non stabilized approaches, violation of minima, etc).


Those are records regarding private or public institutions such as Airports and Airfields, Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Flight Service Stations.

The importance of those sources of information is crucial when there’s doubt regarding the quality or any influence from the services which the aircraft has been provided by those  institutions. All those institutions provide means for recording their daily operations that might prove helpful in an accident or incident investigation.


Weather phenomena play an extremely important role in today’s aviation operations. Time tables and schedules are particularly influenced by those phenomena. The operation of an aircraft itself is subject to different sets of rules and requirements according to the sort of weather under it is operating. Cold weather operation, hot weather operation, rainy regions weather operation as well as local disturbances such a thunderstorm, lightning, snow storm, sandstorm, volcanic dust and low visibility are some examples of hazards that influence an aircraft operation. Areas subject to severe weather phenomena are the most susceptible and most capable of leading to a situation when an aircraft incident or accident might happen. The seasons are part of an atmospheric engine that trigger the most hazardous weather phenomena. The Weather Institutions play a pivotal role whilst providing precise and accurate information about virtually any airport or area in the world. Satellite and Doppler radar imagery are invaluable tools when weather phenomena is suspect onto playing a part in an aircraft incident or accident. METARs, TAFs, SIGMETs and PIREPs are also important when researching for clues that might lead to a possible weather relation (or accountability) to the incident or accident.


Human factors concern people in their working and living environments. The relationship between people, machines or equipment and procedures.
There are several approaches to define these relationships

Many questions arise when one considers the “why” of human failures. Men are subject to many variations in their performance and suffer many limitations. Successful accidents and incidents prevention, therefore, necessitates probing beyond the human failure to determine the underlying factors that led to a distorted human behaviour. For example:
Was the individual physically and mentally capable of responding properly? If not, why not?
Did the failure derive from a self induced state such as fatigue or alcohol / drug intoxication?
Had the individual been adequately trained to cope with the situation?
If not, who was responsible for the training deficiency and why?
Was the individual provided with adequate operational information on which to base decisions?
If not, who failed to provide the information and why?
Was the individual distracted so that he or she could not give proper care and attention to the duties?
If so, who or what created the distraction and why?
These are but a few of the many “why” questions that should be asked during a human related factor investigation. The answers to these questions are vital for effective future accident prevention.

Although the machine (aviation technology) has made substantial progress, there are still occasions when hazards are found in the design, manufacture, or maintenance of aircraft. In fact, a number of accidents still can be traced to errors in the concept, manufacturer’s philosophy, design and developing phases of an aircraft. Modern aircraft design, therefore, attempts to minimize the effect of any one hazard. For instance, a good design should not only seek to make system failure unlikely, but also ensure that should it nevertheless occur, a single failure will not result in an accident.
On the other hand, manufacturer’s philosophy regarding operational routines of an aircraft may also contribute to the occurrence of some incidents and accidents. Unfortunately the former is usually recognized only after the occurrence of an incident or an accident.

The environment where the aircraft operations take place, equipment and humans are employed, and personnel work may directly affect safety. From the accident prevention viewpoint, this discussion considers the environment to comprise two parts: the artificial environment and the natural environment. The artificial environment is the one created from our technology and knowledge. The natural environment is what the name implies.

Notwithstanding the man, machine and environment concepts, some safety experts wisely consider the type of mission, or the purpose of the operation, to be equally important. Obviously the risks associated with different types of operation vary considerably. Each category of operation has certain intrinsic risks that have to be accepted. The best example is when commercial flights travel into war zones.

Psychological Factors
Within the broad subject of aviation psychology there are a number of conditions or situations that could apply to a particular incident or accident. Here are a few of them with their definitions as developed jointly by the Life Sciences Division of the United States Air Force Inspection and Safety Center and the USAF School of Aviation Medicine. The purpose of this list is to provide the aircraft accidents investigator with the definition of terms likely to be encountered when talking with human performance specialists:

-Affective States
These are subjective feelings that a person has about his (her) environment, other people or himself. These are either emotions, which are brief, but strong in intensity, or moods, which are low in intensity but long in duration.

-Attention Anomalies
These can be channelized attention, which is the focusing upon a limited number of environmental cues to the exclusion of others; or cognitive saturation in which the amount of information to be processed exceeds an individual’s span of attention.

The interruption and redirection of attention by environmental cues or mental processes.

An attention anomaly when a person observes environmental cues, but fails to respond or react to them.

-Habit pattern interference
This is reverting to previously learned response patterns which are inappropriate to the task at hand.

Usually due to sense of security, self-confidence or perceived absence of threat.

Also called exhaustion, lethargy, languidness, languor, lassitude, and listlessness. It is a state of awareness describing a range of afflictions, usually associated with physical and/or mental weakness, though varying from a general state of lethargy to a specific work-induced burning sensation within one's muscles. Physical fatigue is the inability to continue functioning at the level of one's normal abilities.

An erroneous perception of reality due to limitations of sensory receptors and / or the manner which the information is presented or interpreted

Is the evaluation of evidence in the making of a decision.

Is a term that refers to a process that elicits, controls, and sustains certain behaviors. Motivation is a group of phenomena which affect the nature of an individual's behaviour, the strength of the behaviour, and the persistence of the behaviour. For instance: An individual has not eaten, he or she feels hungry, as a response he or she eats and diminishes feelings of hunger. There are many approaches to motivation: physiological, behavioural, cognitive, and social. It's the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control.

-Peer Pressure
Refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behaviour in order to conform to group norms. Social groups affected include membership groups, when the individual is "formally" a member (for example, political party, trade union), or a social clique. A person affected by peer pressure may or may not want to belong to these groups. They may also recognize dissociative groups with which they would not wish to associate, and thus they behave adversely concerning that group's behaviors.

Is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of the environment by organizing and interpreting sensory information. All perception involves signals in the nervous system, which in turn result from physical stimulation of the sense organs. For example, vision involves light striking the retinas of the eyes, smell is mediated by odor molecules and hearing involves pressure waves. Perception is not the passive receipt of these signals, but can be shaped by learning, memory and expectation.

-Perceptual set
A cognitive or attitudinal framework in which a person expects to perceive certain aspects of the available sensory data to the exclusion of others.

-Situational Awareness
Is the perception of environmental elements with respect to time and/or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time. It is also a field of study concerned with perception of the environment critical to decision-makers in complex, dynamic areas from aviation, air traffic control, power plant operations, military command and control, and emergency services such as fire fighting and policing; to more ordinary but nevertheless complex tasks such as driving an automobile or bicycle.

-Spatial Disorientation
Is the inability to correctly interpret aircraft attitude, altitude or airspeed, in relation to the Earth or point of reference. Spatial disorientation is a condition in which an aircraft pilot's perception of direction (proprioception) does not agree with reality. Whilst it can be brought on by disturbances or disease within the vestibular system, it is more typically a temporary condition resulting from flight into poor weather conditions with low or no visibility and the inability to follow instruments information.

Stress typically describes a negative concept that can have an impact on one’s mental and physical well-being, but it is unclear what exactly defines stress and whether or not stress is a cause, an effect, or the process connecting the two. With organisms as complex as humans, stress can take on entirely concrete or abstract meanings with highly subjective qualities, satisfying definitions of both cause and effect in ways that can be both tangible and intangible.


The importance if witnesses varies with the accident. In some cases, they are absolutely vital. There is no recoverable wreckage, no survivors and no recorded information. In other cases, there is plenty of factual information available and the witnesses are merely collaborative. In these cases, it is interesting to note the differences between what the witnesses say and what the facts support. The problem with witness interviewing lies in the inability to recover accurate information.
When interviewing, remember that it is exactly this, an interview and not an interrogation. The investigator is merely trying to establish the facts and not to incriminate anyone.

Planning the interview
• Set priorities for witness interviewing – in other words, who is more important or who will give the most helpful information
• Obtain contacts for the witnesses
• Select a location for interviewing the witness
• Prepare for the interview – what questions will you ask, will you use a video or tape recorder, etc.

Conducting the Interview
• Make the witness feel at ease – tell them their rights and the purpose of the interview
• Qualify the witness
• Encourage the witness to tell a story of the events that they saw
• Repeat the story yourself to make sure you have
the correct facts; the witness may also want to restate something after hearing their statement repeated to themselves
• Ask any remaining questions and thank the witness.

Factors affecting witness reporting
A witness interview can be affected by several factors
• Witness background in aviation/ IQ
• Perception of the witness
• Emotion / excitements
• Interpretation of the ambiguous
• Agreement with other witnesses.

Other reasons for inaccurate statements
• Environmental
• Physiological
• Psychological


This is by far the most fascinating part of our study. Regardless of being a powerful tool in the hands of a competent aircraft incidents and accidents investigator, it’s also one of the most interesting subjects within the science of incidents and accidents research. Cases studies research has been responsible for the solution of a great number of aircraft accidents investigations then regarded as “unsolvable” or with unknown origins.
In a case study research, the researcher gathers data from a number of sources, such as documentation, interviews, direct observation and physical artifacts. When possible, corroborative evidence is sought. A database is kept, so that the evidence is available for subsequent review. The parallel with accident investigation procedures is evident.
Prior to analysis, the data may be manipulated in a number of ways. Evidence may be placed in a matrix of categories, and graphical displays such as flow charts may be used. Accident investigators place witness evidence in a matrix, so that apparent inconsistencies may be elucidated, and flow charts have been advocated in accident investigation [e.g. Benner(1994); Johnson (1994); Zotov, (1996); Ladkin, (1999)].
The researcher's initial objective may be descriptive, or to examine theoretical propositions in the light of the evidence. There are four dominant analytical techniques in case study research:
• Pattern matching
• Explanation building
• Time series analysis
• Program logic models.
One of the most known solved cases attributed to cases study research are the ones related with the Mitsubishi MU2 turboprop airplane.
The MU-2 was a small, twin turbine-engine aircraft used for commuter airline and
charter work. Over the years there had been a series of accidents (at least 19) which
were characterised by loss of control in bad weather. One possibility mooted was that
water was getting into the autopilot computer, and producing unanticipated control
inputs, but the accidents were never satisfactorily resolved.
After two accidents in rapid succession, BASI performed a special study in which
twelve such accidents were reviewed, together with a large number of incident
reports. It was concluded that accumulation of body ice, for which there was no
provision for removal, could produce a very rapid reduction in airspeed, and also a
stalling speed much higher than normal. The circumstances of almost all the reports,
for which sufficient information was available, were compatible with this conclusion.
It was recommended that clearance for flight in known icing conditions be withdrawn.

This ends our study on Aircraft Incidents and Accidents Investigative Techniques.


- AIM/FAR 2011, Aeronautical Information Manual/Federal Aviation Regulations.
ASA-11-FR-AM-PDF ISBN 1-56027-824-2 978-1-56027-824-5
- ICAO Annex 13, Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation
July 2010 ISBN 978-92-9231-526-9
- BASI. (1992). MU-2 accident investigation and research report. Canberra: Bureau of Air Safety Investigation.
- United States Air Force database and website:

© Antonio Carlos Arantes De Biasi

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